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USD in Bifrost - Lesson 1: Creating a Stage
Beginners Guide to #Autodesk Bifrost USD | Purposes
Bifrost Bootcamp 8.5 - Defining materials with Bifrost-USD
Beginners Guide to Bifrost USD | Create a USD Stage with Layers and export as USD
Beginners Guide to Bifrost USD | Stages & Shared Layers Overview
Bifrost Bootcamp 8.1 - A detailed look at USD
Procedurally build a City using Bifrost USD
Maya2023 BifrostUSD Getting Started : Create Geometry
Beginners Guide to Bifrost USD | Add data & USD Prim definitions to a USD Stage
Deliver Breathtaking Scenes Faster with USD in Bifrost
Bifrost Bootcamp 9.1 - Advanced USD
USD in Bifrost - Lesson 3: Instancing